Photo by Betsy Cross
Founded in 1986, the club currently has some 130 members. Meetings are held quarterly, generally on the third Monday of February, May, August and November.
Donations from the club have supported such endeavors as the Adopt-a-prairie-chicken program of the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, Driftwood Wildlife Association, Gulf Coast Bird Observatory, Audubon Texas and similar avian programs.
The next meeting of the Wimberley Birding Society is scheduled for November 8, 10:00 am, at the Wimberley Community Center. Watch your e-mail for further information.
Interested in joining us? Dues are $5 a year and can be paid at the November 8 meeting or be sent to Wimberley Birding Society, PO Box 1526, Wimberley TX 78676.
For more information on the group, contact
On the first Tuesday of every month, Jesse Huth (, 979-422-7061) leads a bird walk no more than an hour away. Meet at the Wimberley Community Center at 7:15 am, and bring $10 to pay for Jesse’s expertise.
An active trip schedule is maintained — excursions have ranged from half-day excursions around Wimberley to an 18-day African safari. Check the links below for information on trips planned by Jesse in 2021-22.
1. A Minnesota owl trip is scheduled for Feb 15-1. Find trip info at
2. A Colorado trip will likely be in mid-July.
3. A Rio Grande Valley trip in January, exact dates not yet known.
4. A trip to Ecuador, originally planned for 2021, will probably be held in late August 2022.
5. West India: Birds and Mammals of Gujarat, undecided date due to current COVID conditions.
The Patsy Glenn Refuge encourages and protects birds and all wildlife. It has also served to inform and educate visitors, including area school children, and to improve the Cypress Creek watershed.
Through Patsy Glenn’s efforts, an unused portion of land next to the proposed Wimberley Community Center was turned over to the Wimberley Birding Society for development as a bird sanctuary. In 2001, Patsy enlisted over 60 volunteers to clear the land, create nature trails, wildflower areas and feeders to attract birds. She later guided numerous improvements, including a chimney swift tower, a viewing station, a rainwater collection system and a butterfly garden.
Founded in 1986, the club currently has some 130 members. Meetings are held quarterly, generally on the third Monday of February, May, August and November.
Donations from the club have supported such endeavors as the Adopt-a-prairie-chicken program of the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, Driftwood Wildlife Association, Gulf Coast Bird Observatory, Audubon Texas and similar avian programs.
The next meeting of the Wimberley Birding Society is scheduled for November 8, 10:00 am, at the Wimberley Community Center. Watch your e-mail for further information.
Interested in joining us? Dues are $5 a year and can be paid at the November 8 meeting or be sent to Wimberley Birding Society, PO Box 1526, Wimberley TX 78676.
For more information on the group, contact
On the first Tuesday of every month, Jesse Huth (, 979-422-7061) leads a bird walk no more than an hour away. Meet at the Wimberley Community Center at 7:15 am, and bring $10 to pay for Jesse’s expertise.
An active trip schedule is maintained — excursions have ranged from half-day excursions around Wimberley to an 18-day African safari. Check the links below for information on trips planned by Jesse in 2021-22.
The Patsy Glenn Refuge encourages and protects birds and all wildlife. It has also served to inform and educate visitors, including area school children, and to improve the Cypress Creek watershed.
Through Patsy Glenn’s efforts, an unused portion of land next to the proposed Wimberley Community Center was turned over to the Wimberley Birding Society for development as a bird sanctuary. In 2001, Patsy enlisted over 60 volunteers to clear the land, create nature trails, wildflower areas and feeders to attract birds. She later guided numerous improvements, including a chimney swift tower, a viewing station, a rainwater collection system and a butterfly garden.